Double Room King or Twin查看所有房間
- 提供空調
- 提供浴袍
- 有線/衛星電視
- 暖氣
- 小型酒吧
- 客房服務
- 電話
- 無線網路
- 書桌
- 提供升降機/電梯
- 電視
- 景觀
- 陽台
- 吹風機
- 大床 / 2 張單人床
- 提供亞麻布和大毛巾
- 禁菸
- 房內保險箱
- 淋浴間 - 獨立
- 茶/咖啡機
Step into a haven of serenity where soundproof windows shield you from the world's hustle. Bathed in soft, ambient light, these rooms offer an oasis of calm. Enjoy modern amenities with a touch of elegance: plush memory foam beds draped in luxurious linens, a stylish bathroom with a rainfall shower that washes away the day's weariness, and blackout curtains that promise undisturbed slumber. Here, simplicity meets sophistication, creating a perfect retreat for weary travelers.